Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Experiment A.L.A.D.Y.G.M.A

Experiment A.L.A.D.Y.G.M.A was our alien experiment that went wrong after we experimented it we could not find anything we found it on mars and took it back to earth in 1987 after we did not find anything we put it into a freeze area called sector-FZ some how it escaped and took its ufo from Nasa. Now 21 years later they have come back. For now our base is safe.We Hope


The field begins with clover


In this video we found some how our footage of us experimenting the alien i talked about yes that is us i don't no how that happened

If you can help us contact us at

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


New york has been attacked by the monster its still alive it was awakened by a falling satellite it belonged to tagruato it was atacked by aliens who are coming which were sorry to say but were our experiments in 1987 now they have come back im sorry our death is to come

Thursday, January 3, 2008


We must admit the truth we were exploring the waters of new york mainly coney island waters and we discovered under were is now chuai station the was this creature we captured it to experiment it and it went wrong we gave it the wrong injections and well.... it attacked us and escaped it went back under the chuai station as we believe now it will grow larger and end existence its all over ........ IM SORRY